rebelliously / rɪˈbɛl yəs /


rebelliously 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. defying or resisting some established authority, government, or tradition; insubordinate; inclined to rebel.
  2. pertaining to or characteristic of rebels or rebellion.
  3. resisting treatment; refractory.

rebelliously 近义词


等同于 violently


  1. Duda says Kaestel was someone with a rebellious streak, bereft of support or guidance from any family.
  2. This opera star and famously rebellious romancer seduced numerous women and lived about as outlandishly as you could in the 17th century.
  3. Their first single, “No More Dream,” was an ode to teen apathy, a rebellious rejection of Korean traditionalism.
  4. “I am proud to have been part of a rebellious band of Tribune reporters who rallied our communities and local investors behind our conviction that our cities need a strong press,” she said.
  5. A lot of info I received when I was younger was not true, and I became very rebellious toward my family and my background.
  6. Fenner says he saw a 12-year-old boy isolated from his parents for weeks because he was being “rebellious.”
  7. But now everything was a good pretext to vent the rebellious mood.
  8. “In high school, I was considered the most rebellious girl,” Perl says.
  9. In the first chapter, rebellious Holly Sykes runs away from home and headlong into the melancholy perils of first love.
  10. So instead of having rebellious teens, I had my rebellious 20s.
  11. Man's enthusiasm in praise of a fellow mortal, is soon damped by the original sin of his nature—rebellious pride!
  12. That thou shouldst make the kingdom to be divided, and out of Ephraim a rebellious kingdom to rule.
  13. Having reduced Punch to a second agony of tears Harry departed upstairs with the news that Punch was still rebellious.
  14. The rebellious brown hair was almost in the shade of my own dashing hat-brim.
  15. As a natural consequence her repressed but still rebellious passions diffused their poison throughout her nature.