reappeared / əˈpɪər /


reappeared 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to come into sight; become visible: A man suddenly appeared in the doorway.
  2. to have theappearance of being; seem; look: to appear wise.
  3. to be obvious or easily perceived; be clear or made clear by evidence: It appears to me that you are right.
  4. to come or be placed before the public; be published: Her biography appeared last year.
  5. to perform publicly, as in a play, dance, etc.: He appeared as the king in the play.
  6. to attend or be present, especially to arrive late or stay but a short time: He appeared at the party but left quickly.
  7. to come into being; be created, invented, or developed: Speech appears in the child's first or second year.
  8. Law. to come formally, especially as a party or counsel, to a proceeding before a tribunal, authority, etc.

reappeared 近义词

v. 动词 verb

come again

reappeared 的近义词 5


  1. The post A comprehensive guide on using Google Trends for keyword research appeared first on Search Engine Watch.
  2. The post Five ways to use machine learning in digital marketing appeared first on Search Engine Watch.
  3. The post Google My Business adds messaging to desktop interface appeared first on Search Engine Land.
  4. The post Google Image Search update reduces duplicate image results appeared first on Search Engine Land.
  5. The post Google passage ranking now live in US English search results appeared first on Search Engine Land.
  6. States were encouraged and allowed to lower standards to make it appear they were improving.
  7. I had the opportunity to appear on the popular Sons of Anarchy series in their final season.
  8. But on Monday, when he was scheduled to appear in court, KSM was back in his detention site.
  9. They are true believers and appear to love working for the man.
  10. But she is, in her way, holding a mirror up to nature, and objects in this mirror may be closer than they appear.
  11. Under the one-sixth they appear as slender, highly refractive fibers with double contour and, often, curled or split ends.
  12. There is more of artfulness in the flatteries which appear to involve a calculating intention to say the nice agreeable thing.
  13. “You appear to feel it so,” rejoined Mr. Pickwick, smiling at the clerk, who was literally red-hot.
  14. Crystals of urea nitrate or oxalate (Fig. 19) will soon appear and can be recognized with the microscope.
  15. He shall serve among great men, and appear before the governor.