rayless / ˈreɪ lɪs /


rayless 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. lacking rays or raylike parts.
  2. unlit, dark, or gloomy: a rayless cave.

rayless 近义词


等同于 dark


  1. When the reddleman's figure could no longer be seen, Wildeve himself descended and plunged into the rayless hollow of the vale.
  2. So there they stood, seven sorrowful little figures engulfed in the rayless despair of childhood and the bitterness of poverty.
  3. The sky had cleared; and the moon, changed to blood-red hues, hung like a rayless sun midway in the nocturnal heavens.
  4. Her face did not please the mother; it seemed haughty in its sternness and immobility, and her eyes were rayless.
  5. Never before had all glint of hope been lost in rayless blackness.