rachis / ˈreɪ kɪs /


rachis 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ra·chis·es, rach·i·des [rak-i-deez, rey-ki-]. /ˈræk ɪˌdiz, ˈreɪ kɪ-/.

  1. Botany. the axis of an inflorescence when somewhat elongated, as in a raceme. the prolongation of the petiole along which the leaflets are disposed.any of various axial structures.
  2. Ornithology. the part of the shaft of a feather bearing the web.
  3. Anatomy. spinal column.

rachis 近义词


等同于 spine


等同于 spinal column

rachis 的近义词 5

等同于 spindle


  1. The pinnules are from a line to two lines long, and are adnate to the secondary rachis by a more or less decurrent base.
  2. The stipes is somewhat longer than the rachis, and it is of a whity-green colour.
  3. A simple inflorescence of flowers on pedicels of equal length arranged on a common, elongated axis (rachis).
  4. A simple inflorescence of sessile flowers arranged on a common, elongated axis (rachis).
  5. Under these conditions the midvein is called the rachis (a), and the divisions are called the pinn (b).