quaternary / ˈkwɒt ərˌnɛr i, kwəˈtɜr nə ri /


quaternary2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. consisting of four.
  2. arranged in fours.
  3. Geology. noting or pertaining to the present period of earth history, forming the latter part of the Cenozoic Era, originating about 2 million years ago and including the Recent and Pleistocene Epochs.
  4. Metallurgy. having four principal constituents.
n. 名词 noun

plural quat·er·nar·ies.

  1. a group of four.
  2. the number four.
  3. Geology. the Quaternary Period or System.

quaternary 近义词


等同于 four


等同于 four


  1. El Centro Regional is not a tertiary or quaternary care center, meaning it’s not a hospital with extensive specialty service or care.
  2. And the bones of man himself appear, extending through what is known as the Quaternary or Pleistocene period.
  3. Subspeciation has been enhanced by the late Quaternary mountain building which was prevalent over the western United States.
  4. A distinct species characterised the Quaternary deposits of South America.
  5. The Tertiary and Quaternary formations are partly of marine and partly of terrestrial and fresh-water origin.
  6. The Post-tertiary or Quaternary division comprises the concluding chapters of geological history.