quadrivium / kwɒˈdrɪv i əm /


quadrivium 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural quad·riv·i·a [kwo-driv-ee-uh]. /kwɒˈdrɪv i ə/.

  1. the more advanced division of the seven liberal arts, comprising arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music.

quadrivium 近义词


等同于 four


  1. These subjects were the Trivium, and the more advanced Quadrivium.
  2. After completing the trivium, those who wished for higher culture studied the quadrivium.
  3. Among the old Romans, a trivium meant a place where three ways met, and a quadrivium where four, or what we now call a cross-road.
  4. Likewise arithmetic and the rest of the quadrivium have place in the clerics education.
  5. Passing to the Quadrivium, we find that Fulbert had studied its four branches under Gerbert.