psychotropic / ˌsaɪ koʊˈtroʊ pɪk /


psychotropic2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. affecting mental activity, behavior, or perception, as a mood-altering drug.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a psychotropic drug, as a tranquilizer, sedative, or antidepressant.

psychotropic 近义词


等同于 psychedelic


  1. Psychiatric researchers advocated for outpatient treatment using new psychotropic medications.
  2. Tucked away from sight, they are often treated with powerful psychotropic drugs.
  3. So, in 2005, he decided to take the vast majority of psychotropic substances and prescription pills out of his work.
  4. If a child is dosed with psychotropic drugs throughout the process of growing up,  what does that mean for their sense of agency?
  5. The science behind the psychotropic effects of the JWH-018 compound is not yet complete.
  6. Instead, he wants to uncover a conspiracy of psychotropic drug experiments.
  7. Psychotropic drugs can be used by themselves or in conjunction with psychotherapy.