proofreader / ˈprufˌrid /


proofreader2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

proof·read [proof-red], /ˈprufˌrɛd/, proof·read·ing [proof-ree-ding]. /ˈprufˌri dɪŋ/.

  1. to read in order to detect and mark errors to be corrected.
v. 无主动词 verb

proof·read [proof-red], /ˈprufˌrɛd/, proof·read·ing [proof-ree-ding]. /ˈprufˌri dɪŋ/.

  1. to read printers' proofs, copy, etc., to detect and mark errors, especially as an employee of a typesetting firm, newspaper office, or publishing house.

proofreader 近义词


等同于 editor


等同于 reader


等同于 reader


  1. With 18 years of experience, Barry has proofread, copy edited, line edited and content edited a variety of media, in addition to writing headlines and drafting corrections.
  2. Misprinted ballots, for example, can result from data errors and overwhelmed election officials’ failure to proofread carefully.
  3. The poll and graphic were produced by Grammarly, the world's leading automated proofreader.
  4. Or: "Proofreader, educated young man, requires position immediately."
  5. Through the help of Doctor Johnson, Mary got a position as proofreader with a publisher.
  6. And you may tell your proofreader that the letter r has never been popular in the South since the war.
  7. Dat new proofreader gives me de creeps, said a voice behind Joan and Chub, and there was Bossy.
  8. He was a middle-aged man, and seemed rather dignified for a proofreader, with his gray hair and blue eyes.