prolegomenon / ˌproʊ lɪˈgɒm əˌnɒn, -nən /


prolegomenon 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pro·le·gom·e·na [proh-li-gom-uh-nuh]. /ˌproʊ lɪˈgɒm ə nə/.

  1. a preliminary discussion; introductory essay, as prefatory matter in a book; a prologue.
  2. Usually prolegomena. a treatise serving as a preface or introduction to a book.

prolegomenon 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. The play, one feels, must remain unique, for the prolegomenon cannot be rewritten while the philosophy is unchanged.
  2. The miscellanies really stand to the novels in the relation of a sort of prolegomenon.