pricket / ˈprɪk ɪt /


pricket 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a sharp metal point on which to stick a candle.
  2. a candlestick with one or more such points.
  3. a buck in his second year.

pricket 近义词


等同于 candlestick


  1. But the Pricket was so much excited to hear of other Deer that he entreated his mother to go where the Partridge had told them.
  2. And, to humour the ignorant, call I the deer the princess killed a pricket.
  3. Why, there was a buck I had shot in Hogley Woods, a magnificent pricket, and do you know how she had it sent up to table?
  4. One does not need to discuss pricket candlesticks of ecclesiastical form.
  5. Why, there was a buck I had shot in Hogley Woods, a magnificent pricket, and do you know how she had it sent to table?