candelabrum / ˌkæn dlˈɑ brəm, -ˈæb rəm /


candelabrum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural can·de·la·bra [kan-dl-ah-bruh, -ab-ruh], /ˌkæn dlˈɑ brə, -ˈæb rə/, can·de·la·brums.

  1. an ornamental branched holder for more than one candle.

candelabrum 近义词


等同于 candlestick

candelabrum 的近义词 5

等同于 chandelier


  1. A tall candelabrum, bearing a small antique lamp with highly perfumed oil, is standing near the head of my sleeping friend.
  2. "Put the candelabrum on this table—here," said Mrs. Kildair, indicating a large round table on which a few books were grouped.
  3. The lights in the candelabrum were out, but a gray light came in at the top and bottom of the window.
  4. The candelabrum supported the seven lamps, which gave light to the ministering priests.
  5. It came from the prism pendants encircling the old-fashioned candelabrum in her hand.