pram / præm /


pram 的定义

n. 名词 noun

Chiefly British Informal.

pram 近义词


等同于 baby carriage


等同于 bassinet

pram 的近义词 3

等同于 buggy

pram 的近义词 5

等同于 stroller

pram 的近义词 2


  1. Ahead of the 1961 publication of James and the Giant Peach, Dahl’s 4-month-old son Theo suffered a severe brain injury when his pram was hit by a taxi in New York City.
  2. If I see a pram I want to stick my head in it and have a look.
  3. Gwyneth Paltrow wheeled her daughter Apple around London in a Bugaboo pram.
  4. The little bits of whalin'-steamers they build now only carry a little pram or two, nothin' like this boat you're in now.
  5. Pram, prm, n. a flat-bottomed Dutch lighter: a barge fitted as a floating battery.
  6. The child is resentful, but resigned, is wrapped up well, put in his pram and wheeled up and down the Madeira Road.
  7. In every case I found below-decks a number of cruses of corn-brandy, marked aquavit, two of which I took into the pram.
  8. Lady with Pram (who has been pointing out to newcomer the beauties of the neighbourhood, where a strike is threatened).