polka-dot / ˈpoʊ kə /


polka-dot 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a dot or round spot repeated to form a pattern on a textile fabric.
  2. a pattern of or a fabric with such dots.

polka-dot 近义词


等同于 spatter


  1. He had recently driven to the Upper Peninsula, where the incidents had occurred, and she said that Allen had polka dot envelopes in the house.
  2. Many of those items, like cups and saucers made from Fire King jadeite glass and mixing bowls decked out in cheery polka dots, are still collectible today.
  3. Choose from many cute designs and patterns, including strawberries, astronauts, penguins, flowers, polka dots, superheroes, and more.
  4. Shrubs and small trees dot a parched landscape along the road from Turbat to the border.
  5. Above the notes of praise is a small photo of Guerin wearing a polka dot tie and pocket square, staring at you like a sociopath.
  6. May is seen smiling in a suit and red bowtie with white polka dots in his profile photo.
  7. It was there, in small type, hosted on some dot-edu domain, looking the way websites did in the mid-1990s.
  8. Picasso, with his polka-dot shirt and clashing tie attempted an air of bravado, but lost confidence by the minute.
  9. Though Caroline only brought with her a dot of forty thousand francs, she stood for what was better still, immense possibilities.
  10. A dot or two, sometimes only one, sometimes as many as five, are thrown in as a rough way of indicating the features.
  11. Typical "segmenters" present a ring of rounded segments or spores, each with a small, dot-like chromatin mass.
  12. Across his shoulder he carried a bundle knotted into an old red handkerchief with a polka spot.
  13. A handkerchief, once red, with polka spots, contained a ragged flannel shirt and a stocking-heel tied with a piece of tape.