piggy / ˈpɪg i /


piggy2 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pig·gies.

  1. a small or young pig.
adj. 形容词 adjective

pig·gi·er, pig·gi·est.

  1. Informal. piggish.
  2. in an advanced state of pregnancy.

piggy 近义词


等同于 voracious


等同于 unappeasable


等同于 gluttonous


等同于 pig


等同于 hog


  1. During the visit, Kermit kissed the First Lady's hand, risking the potential jealousy of Miss Piggy.
  2. Miss Piggy and Celine Dion have a fun duet, too, which is kind of cool.
  3. He gives us his best Swedish chef impression and shares his dream for a Miss Piggy and Celine Dion Vegas show.
  4. In a 2011 interview, funny woman Chelsea Handler asked Miss Piggy about her weight and classification as “plus-size.”
  5. Miss Piggy is confident, driven, and fights for what she wants.
  6. Miss Laura got a stick and scratched poor piggy's back a little, and then she went back to the house.
  7. Pretty soon they trotted down the walk to see Mistress Piggy and her three lazy, grunting children.
  8. So at that call the laddies pelted Mistress Piggy and her children with tufts of grass.
  9. They are generally stout, piggy-faced gentlemen, who eat hearty suppers, and patronise free-and-easys.
  10. "Piggy-widden" is a west-country dialect term, meaning a little white pig, used as an endearment for the youngest of a family.