phosphoresce / ˌfɒs fəˈrɛs /


phosphoresce 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb

phos·pho·resced, phos·pho·resc·ing.

  1. to be luminous without sensible heat, as phosphorus.

phosphoresce 近义词


等同于 flash


等同于 shimmer

phosphoresce 的近义词 14
phosphoresce 的反义词 1


  1. As waves phosphoresce, let joys flash from the swing of the sorrow of your souls.
  2. But from numerous experiments I find that bodies will phosphoresce in actual contact with the negative pole.
  3. I took a screen made of zincblende, which will phosphoresce when the emanations of radium fall upon it.
  4. The question presents itself here, can a conductor phosphoresce?
  5. Its dead color brightens considerably under the molecular impact, but I am now convinced it does not phosphoresce.