philanderer / fɪˈlæn dər ər /


philanderer 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person, usually a man, who has many casual sexual encounters or affairs, especially when married or in a committed relationship:After three of his infidelities, she’d finally had enough of a husband who by all accounts had become a serial philanderer.

philanderer 近义词

n. 名词 noun

person who has many love affairs

philanderer 的近义词 10
philanderer 的反义词 1


  1. He was also a documented philanderer who fathered several children with various women.
  2. A staunch traditionalist at home, Ahmad is also a liberal in politics and a nighttime philanderer.
  3. In fact, however, Henry was more of a serial monogamist than a philanderer.
  4. Now the monarch, 74, has been exposed as a philanderer after he fell and broke his hip during a $52,000 African safari.
  5. There is no way in heaven or earth that he is a philanderer (Cain).
  6. He had even told Miss Grains that he looked upon Mr. Puffin as a "philanderer," and that "he didn't hold with philanderers."
  7. The fourteenth man was Bayard, who belongs to a very exasperating type of philanderer.
  8. It was sheer weakness, her heart cried out, the weakness of the philanderer, the half-hearted.
  9. He felt himself pushed down to almost the level of a philanderer—a philanderer not much more august than Adair.
  10. She is happy and well with the right man, but Heaven help her if the marriage ceremony links her with a philanderer!