adulterer / əˈdʌl tər ər /


adulterer 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who commits adultery.

adulterer 近义词


等同于 philanderer

adulterer 的近义词 9
adulterer 的反义词 1

等同于 lady-killer


  1. By the time of this third episode of Season 1, we were well aware of Don as a liar, cad, and adulterer.
  2. South Carolina evangelical voters cast their ballots overwhelmingly for a thrice-married admitted adulterer.
  3. Newt is a particularly weak adulterer, the kind who has to have a replacement wife firmly in place before dropping the prior one.
  4. How does one make an alleged adulterer and notoriously bad tipper seem sympathetic?
  5. Suppose that I want to know if I am about to be caught as an adulterer, which is question 100.
  6. But draw near hither, you sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer, and of the harlot.
  7. There he is sued by the first wife for support, moreover, by the laws of New York he is an adulterer.
  8. Agamemnon, at his return from the Trojan wars, was slain by Ægysthus, the adulterer of Clytemnestra.
  9. What law and what judge imputes a like criminality to the fornicator as to the adulterer?
  10. Can any human being know and decide who is in heart an adulterer, and who a conjugial partner?