phase / feɪz /


phase3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of the major appearances or aspects in which a thing of varying modes or conditions manifests itself to the eye or mind.
  2. a stage in a process of change or development: Each phase of life brings its own joys.
  3. a side, aspect, or point of view: This is only one phase of the question.
v. 有主动词 verb

phased, phas·ing.

  1. to schedule or order in gradual stages, so as to be available when or as needed.
  2. Physics. to adjust the phase of, especially to synchronize it with that of one or more other devices: a properly phased, synchronous pulse generator that augments the action of the human heart.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. phase down, to reduce by gradual stages.
  2. phase in, to put or come into use gradually; incorporate by degrees: to phase in new machinery.
  3. phase out, to bring or come to an end gradually; ease out of service: to phase out obsolescent machinery.

phase 近义词

n. 名词 noun

period in life of something


  1. Vaccinating hundreds of thousands of people before phase 3 trials conclude means those people could be harmed by any of these potential side effects.
  2. Of the hundreds of potential Covid-19 vaccines in development, six are in the final stages of testing, known as phase three clinical trials.
  3. “We will keep working with the team from UCSD as we make decisions about when to move into subsequent phases of reopening,” he said.
  4. According to reports, an unconfirmed number of job losses are planned as part of its next phase of cost-saving.
  5. In other words, my fueling needs and ability to recover from workouts may change depending on whether I’m in a low-hormone phase or a high-hormone phase.
  6. The next phase of the trial consists of vaccinating Ebola workers on the front lines.
  7. The families announced along with it that they had entered a “phase of silence” surrounding the details of the new deal.
  8. To that end, the budget postpones federal phase-out of incandescent electric bulbs.
  9. Instead, the military commission proceedings are bogged down in a pre-trial phase, as it has been for the past three years.
  10. Arriving in Italy means they have made it to the next phase, but they have most certainly not reached the end of their journeys.
  11. But between the phase of schooling and the phase of adult learning there is an intermediate stage.
  12. The moment he passed out of her sight some phase of individuality promptly lit its torch.
  13. But this was but a passing phase, and soon the thirst for glory called the young soldier to sterner things.
  14. The second phase was the dangerous one for Rita, and during a certain luncheon at Romanos her fate hung in the balance.
  15. These short studies reflect every phase of Voltaire's sparkling genius.