peccadillo / ˌpɛk əˈdɪl oʊ /


peccadillo 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pec·ca·dil·loes, pec·ca·dil·los.

  1. a very minor or slight sin or offense; a trifling fault.

peccadillo 近义词

n. 名词 noun

small fault


  1. Besides, the gift bag peccadillo is the least skeevy of Jeter's alleged bedroom behavior.
  2. And yet Louisiana does not prohibit a far stranger peccadillo: sex with corpses.
  3. Peccadillo, pek-a-dil′lo, n. a little or trifling sin: a petty fault:—pl.
  4. In fact, homicide on the frontier, as compared with horse-stealing, is a peccadillo.
  5. Already, he was a little too fond of his liquor—a peccadillo which attracted little attention in that age of the careless city.
  6. Piracy, which ran in the Thanet blood, seemed to their good easy local annalist a regrettable peccadillo.
  7. All the amendments, however, were adopted as early as 1753, except the correction of a grammatical peccadillo in the ninth stanza.