patria / proʊ ˈpɑ trɪˌɑ; English proʊ ˈpeɪ tri ə, ˈpæ- /


patria 的定义

adv. 副词 adverb


  1. for one's country.

patria 近义词


等同于 country


  1. That Stone would slander the democratic, pro-Western, EuroMaidan revolution as a CIA coup is no surprise.
  2. But failing that, he advised pro-immigration reform Republican candidates such as former Gov. Jeb Bush to just skip the state.
  3. How did you make the transition from pro surfer to modeling?
  4. Even in places as blue-leaning as Colorado, Latino support for pro-growth Republicans has been growing.
  5. Counter-protestors marched to confront the pro-police contingent, separated by barricades and uniformed officers.
  6. In addition, the currency notes of the Government served in the place pro tanto of the Bank of England notes.
  7. “Lecompton” constitution of Kansas was a pro-slavery document which Buchanan favoured.
  8. Nam Sacerdos ille, qui huc ante nos aduenerat, nostro statim adutu in Galliam sua ipse sponte & pro veteri desiderio remigrauit.
  9. Domi primm dedimus operam, vt pro nostris viribus officium Ecclesiasticum ne deesset.
  10. During the ingenuous apologia pro vita sua Miss Anne regarded him with her honest candour.