the organization of political affairs into parties; the political system of a state, region, etc.: Two-partyism was never significant in continental politics.
Just as before, the new tea partyism is functioning as a kind of front-line energizing force that could help enable a series of GOP donor-class and plutocratic interests to grind the current progressive economic moment to a halt.
Just now partyism is falling into disfavor, for there are too many serious questions to be fought out.
We will, that Ja—— ——, the author of the two letters lately published in Lexington, be encouraged in his zeal to destroy partyism.
Ignorance has given way to investigation; and love and union are daily triumphing over prejudice and partyism.
The pest of partyism invades all the large cities of the country.
It merely proved how easily men are led when taken in droves and stirred by partyism.