papillary / ˈpæp əˌlɛr i, pəˈpɪl ə ri /
papillary 的定义
- Eczema verrucosum presents similar conditions, but, in addition, displays a tendency to papillary or wart-like hypertrophy.
- A wart consists of both epidermic and papillary hypertrophy, the interior of the growth containing a vascular loop.
- Anatomically the essential feature is epidermic hypertrophy, with usually a varying degree of papillary hypertrophy also.
- In exceptional instances exuberant granulations appear— lupus hypertrophicus; or papillary outgrowths are noted—lupus verrucosus.
- The papillomatous type usually arises from the superficial or deep-seated variety, or it may begin as a papillary or warty growth.