papilla / pəˈpɪl ə /


papilla 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural pa·pil·lae [puh-pil-ee]. /pəˈpɪl i/.

  1. any small, nipplelike process or projection.
  2. one of certain small protuberances concerned with the senses of touch, taste, and smell: the papillae of the tongue.
  3. a small vascular process at the root of a hair.
  4. a papule or pimple.


  1. Each Wolffian duct ends blindly in front, and the two unite behind to open by a common papilla into the cloaca.
  2. Papillif′erous, papillate: bearing one or more fleshy excrescences; Papill′iform, like a papilla in form.
  3. In case of failure to destroy an individual papilla, should a second attempt be made at the same sitting?
  4. A short time after the appearance of the vacuoles the entire conidium extends itself so that the papilla disappears.
  5. A highly vascular dermal papilla projects into the base of the hair.