overseen / ˌoʊ vərˈsi /


overseen 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

o·ver·saw, o·ver·seen, o·ver·see·ing.

  1. to direct; supervise; manage: He was hired to oversee the construction crews.
  2. to see or observe secretly or unintentionally: We happened to oversee the burglar leaving the premises. He was overseen stealing the letters.
  3. to survey or watch, as from a higher position.
  4. to look over; examine; inspect.

overseen 近义词

v. 动词 verb

manage, supervise


  1. Twenty years ago, I oversaw the Wall Street Journal’s pop-up Florida bureau, covering the contentious recount of 2000.
  2. Javier Soltero, brought in last year from Microsoft, was overseeing a reimagining of Google’s productivity and communications line up.
  3. Leach oversaw a similar turnaround at Texas Tech, turning a middling Big 12 program into a consistent winner in the first decade of the century.
  4. In this installment of the FiveThirtyEight Politics podcast, Galen Druke speaks with the executive director of elections at ABC News, Dan Merkle, who oversees the network’s Decision Desk.
  5. She will be CEO and Xilinx’s Victor Peng will be president overseeing the Xilinx business and strategic growth initiatives.
  6. It languishes on what is known as the gray list overseen by the Financial Action Task Force, an inter-governmental body.
  7. He says, “They were overseen by the presidential administration,” adding that additional arrests are likely in the coming weeks.
  8. In the coming months, The Daily Beast will undergo a design refresh overseen by chief digital officer Mike Dyer.
  9. The Daily Beast will be overseen by managing director Deidre Depke and executive editor John Avlon.
  10. Abbott testified that Williams had overseen the armory and that none of the weapons or anything else had ever gone missing.
  11. Ay, sir, a good fellow may sometimes be overseen among friends.
  12. Each division of fighters and workers was overseen by an officer; in some cases by two and three.
  13. Sir Timothy, I am concerned that you, whom I took to understand canes better than anybody in town, should be so overseen!
  14. International Market Place—A complex of open air shops and restaurants overseen by huge banyan trees.
  15. Mr. Harley of late has said nothing of presenting me to the Queen: I was overseen when I mentioned it to you.