excessive growth: to prune a young tree so as to prevent overgrowth.
The full recovery of a species means it’s playing its natural role in the ecosystem — be it eating plants, and preventing overgrowth, or spreading seeds — across its native range.
It has “reached proof for autism, epilepsy, and brain overgrowth disorders,” says McConnell.
The modest violet may exhale its fragrance through an overgrowth of noxious weeds—and humanity bears out the simile.
Just what causes this overgrowth of connective tissue is not clear.
It is the overgrowth of these qualities, to the detriment of the artistic element, that mars her later works.
Lightning on peaks which were like polished jet—bare rock above, the lush overgrowth of jungle below.
The nucleus of Biarritz is old, but that is out of sight in the modern overgrowth; Biarritz, as it is, is of this half century.