oozy / ˈu zi /


oozy 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

ooz·i·er, ooz·i·est.

  1. exuding moisture.
  2. damp with moisture.

oozy 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Some juice spills out when one is sliced or bitten, but it isn't nearly as plump and oozy as a traditional link.
  2. Cut into them and find a hidden treat of melty, oozy mozzarella.
  3. We cross over the bridges that span salty channels, oozy and redolent of ocean and sea-weed during the hours of ebb.
  4. He stooped, and waving his torch along the ground he moved to the far angle of the chateau, examining the soft, oozy clay.
  5. Here is a rocky chamber, but without a roof; here a bed of moss, but oozy with wet; here an arm-chair, but one of hard stone.
  6. They were walking through the rushes, sinking into the warm and oozy bottom of the lagoon formed by the overflow of the tide.
  7. But the blood was just the ordinary oozy kind, and so we let it come, to clean the wound well.