numina / ˈnu mə nə, ˈnyu- /


numina 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the plural of numen.


  1. The ideas are simpler, the numina seem less cold and more protective, the worshippers more sensible of divine aid.
  2. Against neas himself, Dido invokes the waves of the Tyrrhene Sea, "si quid pia numina possunt."
  3. This theory is not a form of the philological doctrine, nomina numina.
  4. Somnia qua mentes ludunt volitantibus umbris,Non delumbra deum nec ab there numina mittunt,Sed sibi quisque facit.
  5. Severus, espying Arabinus amongst the senators, cried out, O numina!