neath / niθ, nið /


neath 的定义

prep. 介词、前置词 preposition

Chiefly Literary.

neath 近义词


等同于 underneath

neath 的近义词 6


  1. This Frenchman, however, neath his careless surface, was wonderfully shrewd and sagacious.
  2. She sat with her hands 'neath her dimpled cheeks,(Butter and eggs and a pound of cheese) And spake not a word.
  3. The girl lowered her head a trifle and looked out at him from 'neath her curls, but she said nothing.
  4. Then it was that a pair of imp-like, black eyes danced 'neath the careless ringlets above them.
  5. The night passed somehow, and morning found Nannie with a white face, save where the shadows rested 'neath her large eyes.