nether / ˈnɛð ər /


nether 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. lying or believed to lie beneath the earth's surface; infernal: the nether regions.
  2. lower or under: his nether lip.

nether 近义词

n. 名词 noun


nether 的近义词 4


  1. Particularly intriguing, however, were the insect’s nether regions.
  2. It quickly becomes way too apparent that this is not a scenic romantic vista, but rather code for Harding's own nether regions.
  3. She just sits in a pool of water and spreads her legs, using her nether regions as bait.
  4. He is also nicknamed Chief Kiael, but nether neither he nor anybody else seems to be the chief of SUWU.
  5. Somewhere in the nether regions of his pitiless heart, the ancient patriarch knows he cannot live forever.
  6. "This went from the nether regions of the Internet to mainstream political debate," Pfeiffer told the half-full briefing room.
  7. He still wore knee-breeches and dark cotton stockings on his nether limbs, but they were not the breeches.
  8. Westmacott moved a step or two forward, a swagger unmistakable in his gait, his nether-lip thrust out in a sneer.
  9. McAuliffe's nether garments were fashioned out of sacking originally used for packing liquor cases.
  10. They become intercessors between this invisible Sovereign and his subjects of this nether world.
  11. The time sped on and still nether Cyril nor Mr. Palsey arrived.