mu-neutrino / ˈmyu nuˌtri noʊ, -nyu-, ˈmu- /


mu-neutrino 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural mu-neu·tri·nos.Physics.


  1. I made every last one of them, from the hunky handsome proton to the waifish, Starbucks-named neutrino.
  2. Among them: Mu Sochua, a Cambodian parliamentarian with a searing life story.
  3. Mu-Chen Li, et al. “Marijuana Use and Motor Vehicle Crashes.”
  4. Mu ra ka mag napildi sa sugal, You look as if you lost in gambling.
  5. Mu-col obtains most gratifying results in catarrhal inflammations of the mucous membranes.
  6. Summe iuglurs beo e ne cunnen seruin of nan oer gleo bute makien cheres wrenche e mu mis schulen wi ehnen.
  7. Swa de e wel blawe; went te nearewe of e horn to his ahne mu; ant utward wide.
  8. More mihte do ure helende enne e holi word e he urh his mu spec.