muon-neutrino / ˈmyu ɒn nuˌtri noʊ, -nyu- /


muon-neutrino 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural mu·on-neu·tri·nos.Physics.

  1. a type of neutrino that obeys a conservation law together with the muon, with the total number of muons and muon-neutrinos minus the total number of their antiparticles remaining constant.


  1. I made every last one of them, from the hunky handsome proton to the waifish, Starbucks-named neutrino.
  2. "I think I am getting somewhere on my photon-neutrino-electron interchange-cycle," he announced.
  3. The night he came home with six hundred newly-won credits, Hawkes opened a drawer and took out a slim, sleek neutrino gun.
  4. The behavior of the muon is well understood, but its role as one of the elementary particles is unknown.
  5. The muon is unstable, eventually undergoing a radioactive decay into an electron.
  6. Although the muon does not experience nuclear forces, it can interact weakly with nuclei.