monition / məˈnɪʃ ən, moʊ- /


monition 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Literary. admonition or warning.
  2. an official or legal notice.
  3. Law. a court order to a person, especially one requiring an appearance and answer.Compare subpoena.
  4. a formal notice from a bishop requiring the amendment of an ecclesiastical offense.

monition 近义词

n. 名词 noun

cautionary advice


  1. The Voices of our Fathers, with thousand-fold stern monition to one and all, bid us awake.
  2. She kept silence, with a look of superiority to all monition.
  3. The message and monition of the figure was that resistance would be hopeless; that if blood flowed, woe to him who shed it.
  4. They rowed now without further monition, clucking, each to himself, little prayers for their safe deliverance from the beast.
  5. How sharp was the monition of hunger when the keen sea-air blew about your face on issuing out in the morning!