mistral / ˈmɪs trəl, mɪˈstrɑl /


mistral 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a cold, dry, northerly wind common in southern France and neighboring regions.

mistral 近义词


等同于 wind


等同于 gale


  1. Lawmakers have tried to halt the French sale of the Mistral, an amphibious warship, to the Russian Navy.
  2. Two years later I visited the south of France again, and had the pleasure of seeing Mistral in his own home.
  3. This article of Lamartine, and his personal efforts on behalf of Mistral, contributed greatly to the success of the poem.
  4. Mistral himself and the poets about him now took an entirely new view of their mission.
  5. So Mistral has devoted himself to promoting knowledge of its history, traditions, language, and religion.
  6. This often becomes an abstract feminine noun, answering to the French termination -ée; armée in Mistral's language isPg 56 armado.