mise / miz, maɪz /


mise 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a settlement or agreement.
  2. Law. the issue in a proceeding instituted on a writ of right.

mise 近义词


等同于 contract


  1. He completely disrupts not only the conception of architecture—but also the fabrication, the mise en oeuvre of architecture.
  2. But the master manipulator of mise-en-scène is back to what he does best in his fifth feature.
  3. The mise en abyme of "Las Meninas" is dug a bit deeper thanks to Hannah, as he gets in the way of Velazquez.
  4. If this mise-en-abyme doesn't capture the confusion of the world we've now built for ourselves, I don't know what could.
  5. The convincing mise en scène was created with “smoke and mirrors,” said Zeitlin.
  6. Beyond the once solid wall strange figures move on—a new mise en scne, with the old blotted out in darkness.
  7. The consequences were not dreadful, but the mise en scène was all that could have been desired.
  8. The mise-en-scne is in every way about as perfect as it is possible to be.
  9. The mise en scène was therefore lugubrious and had its effect upon the merry visitors.
  10. La ville fut mise au pillage par les soldatz du camp, qui se firent gentis compaignons.