melodeon / məˈloʊ di ən /


melodeon 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a small reed organ.
  2. a kind of accordion.

melodeon 近义词


等同于 accordion


  1. Then you could do your paintin',' she says, 'an' get you a new melodeon for the Sunday School, or whatever 'tis you want.
  2. Dancing was tabooed, but a "melodeon" was carted to the dock and hymns were sung.
  3. At the close of one convivial session Artemus went to a concert-hall, the "Melodeon," blacked his face, and delivered a speech.
  4. The melodeon, tormented by Mrs. Lurania Bassett, shrieked and groaned, and the hymn was sung.
  5. The pipes, the melodeon, the fiddle, they know that—and a few ould ones have heard the harp.