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concertina 的 4 个定义
- a musical instrument resembling an accordion but having buttonlike keys, hexagonal bellows and ends, and a more limited range.
- concertina wire.
con·cer·ti·naed [kon-ser-tee-nuhd], /ˌkɒn sərˈti nəd/, con·cer·ti·na·ing [kon-ser-tee-nuh-ing]. /ˌkɒn sərˈti nə ɪŋ/.
- to fold, crush together, or collapse in the manner of a concertina: The car concertinaed when it hit the truck.
con·cer·ti·naed [kon-ser-tee-nuhd], /ˌkɒn sərˈti nəd/, con·cer·ti·na·ing [kon-ser-tee-nuh-ing]. /ˌkɒn sərˈti nə ɪŋ/.
- to cause to fold or collapse in the manner of a concertina.
- of, relating to, or resembling a concertina: concertina pleats.
concertina 近义词
等同于 accordion
concertina 的近义词 5 个
- When faced with smaller smooth branches or poles, snakes typically climb them using a form of movement called concertina locomotion.
- Only the depressingly high concertina-wired fence with watchtowers is a reminder of the dangers of female education here.
- At a meeting of prominent Zabul women, she casually mentioned that her office needed a higher fence and concertina wire.
- There is concertina barbed wire going up on parts of the border between Bangladesh and India.
- The music of a concertina rose and fell, like the sighing of some disillusioned spirit.
- One night five musicians relieved each other at the task of playing the tune on a concertina outside his door.
- Because It only needs to be carefully sat on to make an excellent and noiseless substitute for the concertina.
- The bonnet that covered the engine, crinkled up like a concertina; but the car held the track.
- He could hear Bob playing: "Way down upon de Suwannee ribber" on his concertina, and it made him nice and sad.