megacity / ˈmɛg əˌsɪt i /


megacity 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural meg·a·cit·ies.

  1. a city having a population of one million or more.


  1. Country borders will become far less important when you commute across them every day to get to work in a megacity.
  2. Nearly two-thirds of the sewage in the megacity of Dhaka, with 15 million people, is untreated.
  3. A growing array of critics understand the need to break with the megacity mantra.
  4. “The megacity of the poor,” is how the urban geographer Nazrul Islam describes his hometown.
  5. The damage done to people by megacity urbanism is most pronounced in poorer countries.
  6. Its southern megacity, Lagos, thrums with BlackBerrys, Hummers, and nightclubs.