medicating / ˈmɛd ɪˌkeɪt /


medicating 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

med·i·cat·ed, med·i·cat·ing.

  1. to treat with medicine or medicaments.
  2. to impregnate with a medicine: medicated cough drops; a medicated bandage.

medicating 近义词

v. 动词 verb



  1. There are numerous reports of people being hospitalized because they self-medicated with ivermectin intended for livestock.
  2. I think that played a big part for him in self-medicating, trying to numb out the pain.
  3. I was afraid I was going to be hospitalized, or medicated against my will, which had happened to my mother many times.
  4. He had also been self-medicating with different strains of marijuana.
  5. Stamets’s eureka moment happened when he remembered something that he had seen decades earlier—bees appearing to medicate themselves using fungi.
  6. She freely admits that she was using both to self-medicate after she lost her insurance.
  7. Whenever soldiers come home, big pharma finds new ways to medicate them.
  8. A psychologist cannot write prescriptions and therefore could not try to medicate my problems away.
  9. Rider said many combat veterans self-medicate their post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injuries with alcohol.
  10. Parents don't medicate kids because they are lazy parents and think the pills will rein in unruly kids.
  11. And if you were physicians, you must not cram them, or medicate them to their hurt.
  12. When it is desired to medicate by putting fluids into the bowel we adopt the colon infusion.
  13. Mabruk Saleem I left in charge of a native doctor, who was to medicate him for a gift of cloth which I gave him in advance.
  14. On the Continent a variety of substances are employed to medicate baths, which are seldom or never so used in this country.