manufacturing 的 2 个定义
- the making of goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery, especially on a large scale: the manufacture of television sets.
- the making or producing of anything; generation: the manufacture of body cells.
- the thing or material manufactured; product: Plastic is an important manufacture.
man·u·fac·tured, man·u·fac·tur·ing.
- to make or produce by hand or machinery, especially on a large scale.
- to work up into form for use: to manufacture cotton.
- to invent fictitiously; fabricate; concoct: to manufacture an account of the incident.
- to produce in a mechanical way without inspiration or originality: to manufacture a daily quota of poetry.
manufacturing 近义词
- Manufacturing merchandise, publicity (a radio ad in SF, Facebook ads, venue specific advertising), supplies, shipping.
- Preliminary results performed by Italian authorities “have not detected any manufacturing defect,” she added.
- While the President was trumpeting amnesty, The New York Times reported on how manufacturing jobs were paying less and less.
- “That gave us a huge entree into manufacturing in London,” says Hulanicki.
- Almost a third of manufacturing jobs disappeared within a decade.
- Recollective Analysis, or Analysis for the purpose of helping to learn by heart, is not an originating or manufacturing process.
- But what a shame that the sons of a manufacturing country like Great Britain should be in straits for engines so simple.
- What is a manufacturing corporation, within the meaning of the law, is not even yet fully known.
- (p. 243) Snuff-manufacturing has in some cases been attended with considerable affluence.
- Then, first, he proceeded to admit the existence of manufacturing distress.