lothario / loʊˈθɛər iˌoʊ /


lothario 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural Lo·thar·i·os.

  1. a man who obsessively seduces and deceives women.

lothario 近义词

n. 名词 noun


n. 名词 noun



  1. The knowledge that our 29th President was a real life lothario and aspiring E.L. James comes as quite a shock.
  2. Later, his turn as a lothario in the box office hit Crazy Stupid Love made him even more swoon-worthy.
  3. Young Fred told us that his uncle, as a young man, had been a great one for the girls, a proper village Lothario.
  4. Of the current crop of young Royals, Prince Harry is widely portrayed as a woman-chasing Lothario.
  5. Vadim was a notorious Lothario whose mistresses had included Brigitte Bardot and Catherine Deneuve.
  6. He himself had not the slightest intention of playing Lothario and of wrecking the peace of the Ducksmith household.
  7. His name was Lothario, of the family of the Conti; he was nephew of a pope, and counted three cardinals among his relatives.
  8. Lady Beldi shrieked aloud, and instantly repulsed the self-forgetful Lothario.
  9. If they had to name him for poetry why didn't they call him Lothario and be done with it!
  10. She courtesied, returned him the letter, and resumed her study of Lothario.