locofoco / ˌloʊ koʊˈfoʊ koʊ /


locofoco 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a member of the radical faction of the New York City Democrats, organized in 1835 to oppose the conservative members of the party.
  2. a friction match or cigar developed in the 19th century, ignited by rubbing against any hard, dry surface.

locofoco 近义词


等同于 friction match


  1. You would find a Locofoco majority as much addicted to Class Legislation as a factitious aristocracy.
  2. The driver was a stubborn Locofoco, and Benson did not disdain to enter into an elaborate argument with him.
  3. A Locofoco is the only intelligible term: a fellow that would set any place on fire to roast his own eggs.
  4. Four or five years afterward their enemies invented for their benefit the meaningless and hideous word "Locofoco."
  5. But now, should you go thither to seek him, you would inquire in vain for the Locofoco Surveyor.