congreve / ˈkɒn griv, ˈkɒŋ- /


congreve 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. William, 1670–1729, English dramatist.
  2. Sir William, 1772–1828, English engineer and inventor.

congreve 近义词


等同于 friction match


  1. We have met a pleasant-faced, bright-glancing man, whom we set down to be worthy of the name, Richard Congreve.
  2. The Congreves are settled at home again now—blessing us with the sight of kind faces—Mr. Congreve beginning his medical course.
  3. Mr. Lewes is gone to see Mrs. Congreve and carry his net to the Wimbledon ponds.
  4. Don't ever think of me as valuing either you or Mr. Congreve less instead of more.
  5. I am so glad you have the comfort of feeling that Mr. Congreve is prepared for his work again.