laugher / ˈlæf ər, ˈlɑ fər /


laugher 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who laughs.
  2. Informal. a contest or competition in which one person or team easily overwhelms another; easy victory.

laugher 近义词


等同于 success


  1. A laugher, a thinker, a cryer—truly the life of every party.
  2. When people ask me how I find the strength to laugh now, I reply that I am a professional laugher.
  3. There is, then, your discontented cynical laugher, who makes a mask of mirth to conceal the venom of his mind.
  4. If a man is not a laugher by nature, he had better let it alone.
  5. Certainly I am a great laugher, and it is better to laugh too much than too little.
  6. (if you will pardon a new word,) but there is some difference between a laugher and a critic.
  7. A great essayist has defined laughter as a "feeling of superiority in the laugher over the object laughed at."