larval / ˈlɑr vəl /


larval 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, relating to, or in the form of a larva.
  2. Also lar·vate [lahr-veyt]. /ˈlɑr veɪt/. masked; not clearly defined.

larval 近义词


等同于 rudimentary


  1. With no tetracycline present in the box, the GM females are expected to die in early larval stages.
  2. Underwater photos taken at night — when larval fishes migrate to within 200 meters of the ocean surface — reveal colors, body structures and behaviors that could never be seen in preserved specimens.
  3. Scientists have mistakenly given larval fishes new scientific names, not recognizing them as early life stages of known species.
  4. Examining those same fishes back in the lab lets ichthyologists match the photographed larval fishes to known species, researchers report March 30 in Ichthyology & Herpetology.
  5. Now, a partnership between scientists and scuba divers is giving researchers fresh perspectives on the secrets of larval fishes.
  6. A record would spend years in larval form as an acetate, the big waxy master from which copies were made.
  7. Except perhaps an injunction to my fellow emergent adults: remember your larval years!
  8. The larval stage is passed in the muscles of various animals, especially cattle, where it lies encysted (cysticercus stage).
  9. The length of the larval stage varies from fifteen to twenty-five days with an average of twenty days.
  10. The people, largely farmers, become infected with a larval stage of the hookworm, which develops in moist earth.
  11. Oryctes, Cetoniae and Anoxiae in the larval state: here then is the prey of the three Scoliae whose habits we know.
  12. A larval specimen with small gills has a snout-vent length of 72 mm.