knowe / naʊ, noʊ /


knowe 的定义

n. 名词 noun

Scot. and North England.


  1. In 1548 Turner said, "Perseley groweth nowhere that I knowe, but only in gardens."
  2. She said nothing but went down the side of the knowe and Flann watched and watched until his eyes had no power to see any more.
  3. And so do euer more, yf ou wil knowe wheer ou hase wel ymedyt or no.
  4. Now to knowe howe muche the cpasse of the hole piller was, seing by this parte it appereth that it was round, thus shal you do.
  5. And howe you may by those dialles knowe in what degree of the Zodiake not only the sonne, but also the moone is.