knoll / noʊl /


knoll 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a small, rounded hill or eminence; hillock.

knoll 近义词

n. 名词 noun

small hill


  1. Those who don’t buy the lone-gunman theory believe someone on the grassy knoll worked as a second sniper, that the Soviets or Cubans or unions — maybe the troika working in concert, even — were behind at least some of the plot.
  2. Sitting on that knoll of oversized wood chips, I surveyed the way the land unnaturally crested and dipped and plateaued—evidence of large swaths of earth moved here and there.
  3. But it gave us no sensational revelations, no grassy-knoll conspiracy talk.
  4. Context: Cher: “Loadies generally hang on the grassy knoll over there.”
  5. Mind-Blowing Bicycle Magic Trickster Tim Knoll is definitely the new cool kid in town.
  6. The ruin of the Carter house stood upon a knoll, several great elms sheltering it.
  7. It occupies a commanding position on a knoll and is surrounded by a group of fine trees.
  8. Ida saw only a graceful knoll, bounded, except towards the west, by a chain of more imposing eminences.
  9. Rising a little knoll soon after making the third ford, I came suddenly upon the familiar stopping-place of my former journey.
  10. Perched on a knoll in the hills were gay pavilions, and above them glittered a sultan's twin banners, silver and gold.