joiner / ˈdʒɔɪ nər /


joiner 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person or thing that joins.
  2. a carpenter, especially one who constructs doors, window sashes, paneling, and other permanent woodwork.
  3. a person who belongs to many clubs, associations, societies, etc., often from indiscriminate enthusiasm, for increased status, to make business or social contacts, or the like.

joiner 近义词


等同于 member


等同于 associate


等同于 carpenter


  1. By James Joiner Thea Shaheen had waited her whole life for the body she was supposed to be in.
  2. Lottie Joiner is a Washington, D.C.-based freelance writer and senior editor of The Crisis magazine.
  3. For most of my adult life, I have always felt independent of any political party--an observer rather than a joiner.
  4. Lottie L. Joiner: Take me back to that day 50 years ago, September 15, 1963.
  5. Young Judith Blum was never a joiner in school, never popular, never athletic, never part of any cliques.
  6. I was an Innkeeper, who loved to carouse; J was a Joiner, and built up a house.
  7. The letter from his son, who had finished his apprenticeship as journeyman joiner half a year ago, was sufficiently frivolous.
  8. James Ballybarn was a regularly taught carpenter and joiner, and his knowledge was brought into use.
  9. They cherished the plan for years; he was a joiner, and hired himself of his owner for about two hundred dollars a year.
  10. On a new building the joiner fits up a temporary workshop with benches, sawing stools and a stove for his glue pot.