jabbering / ˈdʒæb ər /


jabbering2 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to talk or utter rapidly, indistinctly, incoherently, or nonsensically; chatter.
n. 名词 noun
  1. rapid, indistinct, or nonsensical talk; gibberish.

jabbering 近义词

v. 动词 verb

talk incessantly and trivially


  1. Why do you think you were “an asperg-y movie fan…a jabbering repellent acolyte?”
  2. She toddled off to the playground, still jabbering to herself, evoking giggles from the Hawa staff.
  3. Anne Marie was in her element, jabbering away in heavily accented Liberian English, the center of attention.
  4. There are banksia bushes with their sawtooth-edge leaves and dried seed cones like multiple jabbering mouths.
  5. The sailors crept up one by one, but they only gathered in a jabbering knot, and scowled at the Englishman heavily.
  6. Hardly had we gone two more blocks when the screaming and jabbering monkey fell upon us.
  7. On shore, we were at once surrounded by a mob of jabbering Hatiens, speaking—well, its hard to say just what.
  8. Instantly they began to crowd round him, a dozen jabbering all at once.
  9. We could hear them shouting, screaming, and jabbering, and the dogs barking.