its / ɪts /


its 的定义

pron. 代词 pronoun
  1. the possessive form of it: The book has lost its jacket. I'm sorry about its being so late.

its 近义词


等同于 own


等同于 attraction


等同于 sex appeal


等同于 animal magnetism


等同于 information technology


等同于 charisma


等同于 charm


  1. Many people have already written off ‘American Idol’ as a past-its-prime reality TV corpse.
  2. The late-in-its-run success of Breaking Bad is the perfect example of that.
  3. One young woman had affixed Post-its to the wall reading “Welcome Home Annie!”
  4. Over dessert, we look through the Post-Its full of squiggly pictures.
  5. When Demi Moore was hospitalized last year, friends told TMZ she had seizure-like symptoms brought on by doing whip-its.
  6. Jack probably learned more about the Bible during that trip-its history and its heroes-than during all his former years.
  7. The world had nothing more to give him now except that which he had already long possessed-its honor and its love.
  8. Didn't Wolfe say that he would rather have written what's-its-name than taken Quebec?
  9. My heart just sank like a lump of what's-its-name, but my whole soul went out in sympathy for her.
  10. Then Billings, who was already gasping like a jolly what's-its-name, dropped upon the arm of the chair and held his side.