endemic / ɛnˈdɛm ɪk /


endemic2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

Also en·dem·i·cal .

  1. natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place; native; indigenous: endemic folkways;countries where high unemployment is endemic.
  2. belonging exclusively or confined to a particular place: a fever endemic to the tropics.
  3. persisting in a population or region, generally having settled to a relatively constant rate of occurrence:The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 may never disappear, but could become endemic like HIV.
n. 名词 noun
  1. an endemic disease.

endemic 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


endemic 的近义词 2


  1. Hart does his best to establish that brashness was endemic to the company from the beginning, starting with its co-founder, Bill Bowerman.
  2. So far most of that interest has come from either larger endemic advertisers in CPG and retail like Adidas and Swarovski or smaller-to-medium-sized businesses.
  3. Self, an endemic health and wellness brand, has served as a bridge for helping Condé Nast’s non-endemic titles take a step into health and wellness.
  4. Crompton says that while corn is obviously grown in both Australia and America, the fact that it is so endemic to many parts of our food system, could contribute to its recent success here.
  5. Yes the audiences in these groups tend to be endemic, they said, but this does not mean the agencies will exclude underrepresented audiences from our other buys.
  6. An outbreak in Madagascar, where the disease is endemic, already has involved more than 100 people and killed almost half.
  7. The findings are unlikely to surprise anyone who has ever worked in a restaurant: sexual harassment is endemic in the industry.
  8. But The Dog surpasses simply documenting the alienation endemic in the 21st-century global village.
  9. Indeed, a condition of rampant, endemic political corruption is known as a “kleptocracy”—literally, “rule by thieves.”
  10. Travel from an endemic area to an under-vaccinated population in the United States is a distinct possibility.
  11. The Iffluenza appears to become endemic here, but it has always been a scourge in the islands.
  12. The agency of their effacement was an endemic disorder known as yellow fever.
  13. It is endemic, and becomes, at apparently regular but distant periods, epidemic.
  14. Unhappily endemic forms of disease went on steadily increasing in prevalence and rates of mortality.
  15. We have not heard of any endemic in Australia; the epidemic has never visited its shores.